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A member registered Aug 20, 2023

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(2 edits)

the slow mo explosions are so good, I think this is a great game, the mgs franchise was one of my most favorite and there is a large hungry audience for this stuff, the VR training from the MGS series was great too and I think focusing on this, stripping away alot of the time needing to spend on textures and detail...hell id even play this if it was 8bit graphics!!! although voxel would be a more modern approach, scrubbing textures could speed up your dev time considerably, whilke helping you remove copyright infringement risk and allow your game to be truly unique, you could have achievement related unlocks for characters and clothing items, secret rooms with chests for more character unlocks and special weapons/ammo making the game a very fun game to repeat.

long term you could have dynamic maps/scenarios & coop allowing for near unlimited play through and a good community.

watching very closely!